Take Back Santa Barbara
Stop the Divide
Raise the Vibe
Unite the 805
Call Matt
Eight Zero Five Four Five One Seven Zero Six One

I'm still trying tofigure out why none of the
pro-life non vaccinated stoners voted for me.

Carrera and Oliver cutting loose


1.Santa Barbara will Become a Safer Community for Children to Grow Up.

2. Stop the Middle Class Squeeze and Resolve the Housing Crunch.

3. Santa Barbara Green Power Capital of the World Initiative.

4. Santa Barbara Economic Development and Waterfront Reformation Act.

An Anti-Discimination Initiative That Will Prevent People Who Use Marijuana and People Who Refuse To Get Vaccinated From Being Discrimated Out Of Santa Barbara's Workforce.

A Profit Sharing Initiative Whereas the Citizens of Santa Barbara Will Own the Business of Santa Barbara and Recieve a Dividend and a Pension for Living in Santa Barbara and Owning the Business of Santa Barbara.

A Financial Securities Initiative That Will Give Santa Barbara Her Own Currency To Be Used Among Santa Barbarians. The Currency Will Be Valued By Quality Of Life In Santa Barbara.

An Iniative that Will Give Santa Barbara Fathers Some Say to Halt Spontaneous Pregnancy Terminations.

KEYT 3 News did this promotion of me. Then my Pink Cadillac Bike Sign got ripped off twice. Then they got my sign painter messed up on drugs but it seems like a gun fell out and a criminal got busted with a bunch of Meth. Then my black Mercedes got stolen and the thieves were captured. Then my daughter's electric bike got stolen and the thief got captured. That is 4 feloms off the streets in 48 hours because of my candidacy for Mayor.

My KEYT 3 TV Interview

I felt like I had home field advantage at the
Montecito Debate Forum

Mayor Murillo and I Both Give The Citizens of Santa Barbara
The Heads Up In The Independent Debate
That Refugees Are Coming To Santa Barbara
To Fulfill The Stack and Pack Housing Objectives.

My car got stolen just before the Key 3 Debate Forum. My nice outfit was in the car and so was my weed. I had to get my kid to school and score some herbs so I could calm down before the debate. I introduced myself in Spanish. When it came time to think in English I forgot how.

I Got Hacked Out Of
My Own Introduction

Wendy Santa Maria Introducing Me
In Our Second Mayoral Debate

Me Discussing How We Can't Allow Landlords
And The City of Santa Barbara to Increase Rents 50% at a Time

My Closing Statement In Our
First Mayoral Candidate Forum

Our First Mayoral Debate